Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Jungilligens J, Wehner T, Schlegel U, Wellmer J. Suggestive seizure induction for inpatients with suspected psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsia 2020;doi: 10.1111/epi.16629. Online ahead of print
Grönheit W, Popkirov S, Wehner T, Schlegel U, Wellmer J. Practical management of epileptic seizures and status epilepticus in adult palliative care patients. Front. Neurol. 2018;9:595. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00595
Popkirov S, Ismail FS, Grönheit W, Kapauer M, Wellmer J, Bien CG. Progressive hippocampal sclerosis after viral encephalitis: potential role of NMDA receptor antibodies. Seizure 2017;51: 6 - 8
Popkirov S, Jungilligens J, Gröhnheit W, Wellmer J. Diagnosing psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: Video-EEG monitoring, suggestive seizure induction and diagnostic certainty. Epilepsy Behav. 2017;73: 54 - 58
Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. Paroxysmal belching: Epileptic or nonepileptic? Epilepsy Behav Case Rep. 2016;5: 11 - 12
Skodda S, Grönheit W, Lukas C, Bellenberg B, von Hein SM, Hoffmann R, Saft C. Two different phenomena in basic motor speech performance in premanifest Huntington disease. Neurology 2016;[Epub ahead of print]
Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. Paroxysmal belching: Epileptic or noneepileptic? Epilepsy Behav Case Rep.2016;5: 11-12
Ismail F, Popkirov S, Wellmer J, Grönheit W. Faciobrachio-crural dystonic seizures in LGI 1 limbic encephalitis: a treatable cause of falls. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2015;2: e146
Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. A systematic review of suggestive seizure induction for the diagnosis of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Seizure 2015;31: 124 - 132
Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Wellmer J. Hyperventilation and photic stimulation are useful additions to a placebo-based suggestive seizure induction protocol in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures. Epilepsy Behav. 2015;46: 88 - 89
Popkirov S, Grönheit W, Schlegel U, Wellmer J. Recurrent loss of consciousness despite DDD pacing: psychogenic pseudosyncope in a 19-year-old man. Clin Res Cardiol.;2014;103: 755 - 757
Skodda S, Grönheit W, Schlegel U, Südmeyer M, Schnitzler A, Wojtecki L. Effect of subthalamic stimulation on voice and speech in Parkinson' s disease: for the better or worse? Front Neuro 1. 2014; 4:21
Skodda S, Schlegel U, Grönheit W, Mancinelli N. Progression of voice and speech impairment in the course of Parkinson's disease: a longitudinal study. Parkinsons Dis. 2013; 89195.doi: 10.1 155/2013/389195
Eyding J, Grönheit W, Rother S, Skodda S, Heuser L, Alekseyev A, Schlegel U. Optimised rate of specific, revascularising therapies in acute stroke-what is the aim? Considerations from the experience of a tertiary centre. Fortschr Neuro] Psychiat 2013;81: 69 - 74
Skodda S, Grönheit W, Schlegel U. Impairment of vowel articulation as a possible marker of disease progression in Parkinson's disease. PLoS ONE 2012;7(2): e32132
Skodda S, Grönheit W, Schlegel U. Instability of syllable repetition in progressive supranuclear palsy. J Neural Transm. 2012;119: 457 - 462
Grönheit W, Eyding J. Zahnmedizinische operative Eingriffe bei Patienten mit medikamentöser Sekundärprophylaxe nach Schlaganfall. Quintessenz 2012; 95 - 100
Skodda S, Grönheit W, Schlegel U. Intonation and speech rate in Parkinson's disease: general and dynamic aspects and responsiveness to levodopa admission. J Voice. 2011;25: 199 - 205
Skodda S, Visser W, Schlegel U. Short-and long-term dopaminergic effects on dysarthria in early Parkinson's disease. J Neural Transm. 2010;117: 197 - 205
Ahle G, Visser W, Juergens A, Schlegel U. Successful treatment of hyperventilation-induced nystagmus in vestibular schwannoma with oxcarbacepine. J Neurol 2008;255: 1093